Balance is a journey

Balance - Myth or Ultimate Goal

September 27, 20234 min read

True balance does not exist.” - Forbes online

The Myth of Balance: Navigating the Seas of Balance and Mental Well-being

In the fast-paced world we live in, the pursuit of balance has become a ubiquitous goal. We seek to juggle the demands of our careers, relationships, and personal well-being in the hope of achieving a harmonious equilibrium. However, as Forbes astutely pointed out in a thought-provoking article, "Work -Life Balance is a Myth" In a world constantly in flux, where change is the only constant, the idea of true balance is elusive, like chasing a phantom equilibrium that forever eludes our grasp.

The Forbes article says, "True balance does not exist. Life is constantly in flux. Things are always changing." So, what does this mean for our mental health? How can we navigate the turbulent seas of life while preserving our well-being? In this blog, we will explore the concept of balance and how to create mental wellbeing.

Redefining Balance

Balance, in the traditional sense, implies an equal distribution of time and energy across various aspects of our lives. This notion, however, often sets us up for disappointment and frustration. The truth is that life rarely adheres to such neat and tidy divisions. Our priorities, responsibilities, and circumstances are in constant flux, which makes the pursuit of perfect balance an exercise in futility.

Instead of chasing this elusive equilibrium, we should strive for what we might call "dynamic balance." Dynamic balance recognizes that life is not a static state but a perpetual motion. It acknowledges that our priorities may shift, and our energy may ebb and flow. Therefore, the goal should be to adapt and find harmony within this ever-changing landscape.

The Impact on Mental Health

The relentless pursuit of conventional balance can take a toll on our mental health. When we feel like we're failing to achieve this ideal, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of inadequacy. This pressure to maintain a perfect equilibrium can be detrimental to our well-being.

However, when we embrace the idea of dynamic balance, we open ourselves up to a healthier relationship with our mental health. Here are some key principles to consider:

1. Self-Compassion

Start by recognizing that it's okay not to have everything perfectly balanced at all times. Self-compassion allows us to acknowledge our limitations and treat ourselves with kindness, especially when we feel overwhelmed. If you are naturally self critical, this may take some practice but it is worth cultivating for a number of reasons -- too many for this article.

2. Prioritization

Understand that not all aspects of life require the same level of attention at all times. Prioritize what's most important in the moment, and don't be afraid to shift your focus as circumstances change. You may think this will lead down a road littered with half finished projects. But step is more about knowing what is important you, your values and life goals and being willing to let something go if it is taking mental or physical resources from you and does not align with your values.

3. Flexibility

Embrace the adaptability of dynamic balance. Life's challenges and opportunities may require you to adjust your priorities and energy allocation. Flexibility plays a roll in developing mental resilience, too. So take a deep breath and acknowledge that sometimes we have to "roll with the punches."

4. Mindfulness

Practice mindfulness to stay attuned to your emotions and mental state. Mindfulness is simply being conscious or having awareness. Mindfulness can help you recognize when you're veering off course, away from your values and priorities, and allow you to make necessary adjustments.

5. Seek Support

Don't hesitate to seek support in your journey to create balance. Some times friends or family can offer a non judgmental, supportive presence but please consider hiring a life coach or seeking the help of a mental health professional when needed. Opening up about your struggles is an important step toward cultivating a resilience and balance, in the midst of life's turbulence.

Dynamic Balance

In the quest for balance and mental well-being, it's crucial to recognize that the traditional notion of perfect equilibrium is a myth. Life is dynamic, and change is its constant companion. Instead of striving for an unattainable ideal, embrace the concept of dynamic balance, allowing yourself to adapt and find harmony in the ebb and flow of life's currents.

As Forbes wisely stated, "True balance does not exist." But what does exist is the opportunity to cultivate resilience, self-compassion, and a greater understanding of the ever-changing nature of life. By doing so, you can navigate the seas of mental health with grace and resilience, ensuring a happier and healthier journey through the unpredictable waters of life.

balance is a journey


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